GOTHECA develops a comprehensive risk assessment scheme for a timely application of increasingly accurate predictions of freshwater availability and Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) in glacierized regions to local mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Irina Rogozhina
Associate Professor, GOTHECA group leader, supervising new applications of numerical models, automated classification of satellite images and field data acquisition to reconstruct long-term changes in glacial environments, project their impacts on hydrological systems and develop early warning systems on regional and national scales.
Yongmei Gong
Researcher, project manager of GOTHECA-NOCK, specializing in computer modeling of ice dynamics, surface mass balance, subglacial hydrology and will contribute to GLOF modeling, field data acquisition (drone image photogrammetry), using qualitative methods assessing risk and resilience of local communities and science communication.
Ronja Lappe
PhD candidate, with a background in Physical Geography and Applied Earth Observation, responsible for analyzing glacier and glacial lake changes over time using satellite data and field measurements; will contribute to assessing risk and resilience of local communities to glacier-related natural hazards.
Liss Marie Andreassen
Research Scientist at The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, specializing in field data acquisition (mass balance measurements, glacier mapping and change detection), modelling glacier mass balance, and remote sensing of snow and glaciers; will contribute to data acquisition in Norway, scientific consulting and science dissimilation.
Thorben Dunse
Associate Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, specializing in field data acquisition (Glacier dynamics and mass balance) and assessing the role of glaciers for downstream ecosystems; will contribute to data acquisition in Norway, scientific consulting and science dissimilation.
Chunhai Xu
Assistant Professor at Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), specializing in field data acquisition of glacier and glacier mass balance changes; will contribute to data acquisition in Chinese Karakorum, scientific consulting and science dissimilation.
Anna Sinisalo
Principal Expert of Polar and Climate at GRID-Arendal, specializing in assessing changes occurring in the cryosphere such as glaciers, snow cover and ice sheets in the Arctic, Antarctica and in Hindu Kush Himalaya and how these changes impact and interact with diverse groups of people and the environment to improve decision-making and help build resilience and reduce risks, will contribute to assessing risk and resilience of local communities and science dissimilation.

Afrida Iqbal
Master's student.
Modelling major floods in glacier fed valleys of Jostedalen and Hjelledalen using river analysis system, HEC-RAS, to identify the areas at risk and the impact on the communities downstream.

Jogscha Miriam Abderhalden
Master's student.
Investigating the suitability of different semi-automated image classification methods and satellite products for frequent mapping of glaciers an glacial lakes in southern Norway as well as the potential to detect glacial lake outburst floods from remotely senesed data.

Sara Krafft
Master's student.
Assessing the Impacts of Glacier and Snowmelt Changes on Crop Production in Glacierized Regions in Norway and Chile.

Silvia Gundersen Kristiansen
Master's student.
Evaluating the Contribution of Glacier Melt, Snow Melt, Precipitation and Jøkulhlaup to Hydropower Reservoirs in Highly Glacierized Catchments in Norway Using a PDD Model to Predict Future Effects of Climate Change on the Hydropower Industry.

Zohaer Abtahi Shabab
Master's student.
Correcting the Distributed Consensus Ice Thickness of Glaciers in Mainland Norway Using Satellite Remote Sensing and In-situ Observations.